
Financial investment excel, free writing program, the automatic stock Record Management, a week in just 10 minutes let the profit run

Investment banking beginners, stock record EXCEL, google finance to automatically update the stock price, holding cost, profit and loss estimates, the Taiwan Stock Market a simple asset allocation, listed on the Cabinet company unit number, automatically grabbing data, each week for 10 minutes.

Investment Dashboard, app design concept origins

Google finance teaching in Taiwan, the most of the only public companies with the ETF's share price may be caught on the Cabinet, you need another method, in this way also help you set up, you can catch on the Cabinet company. more

Investment in learning, just like deliberate practice, the need to record every buying with sell grounds, each broker, which has a different method of calculation, mostly only simple calculations in this system together, with the same formula, you can take control of finishing investment of profit and loss.

Leek retail will invest to lose money, most are unaware of their buy-what is the industry of stock, in this way once it get you set up.

The company's shares are listed on the Cabinet, Hing, Cabinet, not listed, etc., in here simplified into the market to keep up with the Cabinet, the ETF of the three, the others are not recommended for touch.

Most people are used to simple numbers, but forgot to Transaction Costs, Fees with transactions tax, seemingly profit from short into short out, subtract the cost of trading post, as if also did not earn much money.

Alchemy waiter, in thinking about whether to write one myself also want to use the investment instrument panel out, put the company's shares in the market to keep up with the Cabinet, ETFS are fused together, simple with a table management, a unified input, and can automatically run out, the financial investment of a dedicated graphical interface.

A957 Alchemy Investment dashboard excel, tentatively scheduled for this version, the

  • Manually enter the unit number, the sale record
  • Stock pools menu, and the highest 10 gear, industry-level automatic classification
  • Automatic loss calculation reminder

Reference other people do, and didn't put the investment account, cash, is also included, alchemy least squares modified a bit, as can be seen the whole account of cash with stock ratio, reference, Tampa, Burton investment law.

Version corrected the record V2 membership version:

  • 111.12 更新上櫃即時,ETF代號手動輸入,大約等待5秒,或是需要重新整理
  • 111.04.17 ETF manual update, after one year update once, too new, you don't Touch Bar, the other on the Cabinet is also part of the correction
  • 111.03.20 not display properly stock name, it has been corrected raw data read

111.11 使用者用了一年多,發現有些問題
ETF輸入錯誤,這目前無法解決,只能手動從分頁中,A957煉金公告,選擇最右邊,手動 複製貼上


2023.07 新增Line社群交流,加入會員後,內有通關密碼

Investment instrument version, the stock recorded practical application

Shares profit and loss situation, is the trading system of the most basic, to understand their overall account profit and loss, and then decide how to make investment decisions.

Currently, the alchemical squares want to make the trading system, the super performance of the VCP, come into my trading room, the quantization value patterns, Pixel people, and so on the other, the chips stock selection, investment live music stave.

Most of the trading system, there is the sentence,

"Take the principal amount of 2% of the risk, and let profits run!"

In this early version did not, because of this you want to write a program, the trading system of logic, split into different modules, a reduction of 80% or more of the selected unit of time.

Here, just the beginning of the First-Order version can be seen at a glance

  • Cash with stock ratio: according to a large pan more than empty intervals, up and down adjustment
  • Industry level: the dispersion of different industries, to reduce the risk
  • Shares profit and loss: to cut stock, the winners are the first to handle loss of money

Due to the useless programs to write, it can only do simple quick stock tank, some places, it didn't require very accurate.

The use of the teaching, in the next page

All information about content, are based on the current year, if New Year's Eve degrees, it is recommended in the current year 12/31, and a new copy, and then put last year's inventory, copy the past.

***Important reminder: to have a google account, the version if Updated, you can save a copy after copy of your own hand part***

Begin before using, Please smoothly and help point the link for extra points, - > Good guy card

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231 thought on “理財投資excel,免寫程式,自動股票記錄管理,一週只需10分讓獲利跑”

  1. franklin1009@

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